Thursday, September 23, 2010

Why Can't I Leave?

I have come to realize that I can not bring myself to show up early to any event.  Even when I am going somewhere that I really want to go to, I still seem to be held up doing things to the last minute before I have to leave. I have thought about why it is, I struggle to get places on time. The simplest answer to this is that I am always busy.  I occupy my time with school, two jobs, a boyfriend, my friends and my family. Though, when considering the different Learning Theories and how they might help explain the thinking patterns that are recurring, I can start to piece together what is maintaining my  behavior.  When thinking about the BLT, I have to say my behavior of occupying my time up to the last minute is positively reinforced by the tasks that I complete. Since I do not have time to always do what I'd like at home, it is reinforcing to me to finish these tasks. This feeling of reinforcement is competing with the adversive feeling of having to show up somewhere early. 
     I think there are social aspects that maintain my behavior as well.  I have seen in the past that other people have showed up late to various events (SLT).  I have noticed in some settings it is less appropriate and akward if you show up late but in other settings (usually less formal) being late is not as much of an issue.  This prior knowledge can play apart in my sense of urgency when leaving my apartment.
     When I look to other areas in my life (mainly my free time in general) I can see how this behavior shows up again and again.  Even on my one day off a week, I find myself trying to go five different places.  Since it is my day off, I want to make the most of my time and see the people that I can but I often end up regreting some of the plans I make as I am constantly rushing around on my one free day.  Even though I really want to fulfill all the plans I make, I have to remember to give myself some free time which is hard with all of these competing feelings.  Parallel to scheduling my day off to the last minute, I do homework on my breaks at work, and work/clean in the morning before I leave for school.  I think this behavior is effected by my  school and social schemas (CLT).  My prior knowledge tells me that acting this way is productive and functional. I get tasks accomplished and manage to show up places on time (somehow).        

1 comment:

  1. I completely understand where you are coming from, as I am forever rushing around to get something accomplished which at times can be ridiculously overwhelming. We need to make sure to set time out for ourselves, and I, myself, definately need to leave more time for homework and social stuff. I definately see how the learning theories fit into all of the little aspects of this article. You did a great job of explaining your problem and how the learning theories fit into it.
